Cybersecurity for Resilient Software Development

Boosting cybersecurity in the EU software development sector with an automated, unified platform of tools and services.


CONSOLE's goal is to advance cybersecurity within the European software development industry. By creating a sophisticated automated platform complete with integral modules and additional training services, CONSOLE is set to significantly cut acquisition costs for end-users, notably EU SMEs, while maintaining stringent cybersecurity for software applications, systems, and a broader user base.


Please join us in compiling information on cyber threats throughout the software development process.

Benefits of using CONSOLE

1. Cuts the acquisition costs.

We offer affordable cybersecurity tools and training services that are specially designed to meet the needs of the software development process.

2. Provides robust cybersecurity.

We prioritise the security of software applications and systems for both developers and end-users through strict cybersecurity tools and services.

3. Is simple to use. 

We deploy a clear, effortless and tailored solution adapted to your company instead of complicated and different parts.

Latest Updates & Publications

A R T I C L E 

Empowering Software Development Through Cybersecurity: The CONSOLE Project and PROCESIO’s Role

In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is of the utmost importance for any company, especially for software developers who increasingly face threats from malicious code and security vulnerabilities. This is where ...

A R T I C L E 

Bitdefender and the CONSOLE Project: Enhancing cybersecurity in the European Software Development sector.

In today's digital era, cybersecurity is paramount, especially in software development. Recognising the critical need for robust security solutions, Bitdefender has initiated the CONSOLE Project, which stands for "Cybersecurity for Resilient Software Development". This innovative project aims to ...

U P D A T E 

Exciting News: The CONSOLE Project's Official Website is Now Live!

We are excited to announce the launch of the CONSOLE Project's official website! This new platform represents a significant milestone in our commitment to advancing cybersecurity in the European software development industry. The website will ...


Please join us in compiling information on cyber threats throughout the software development process.