Work Package 1. Project Management
Start Month: M1 / End Month: M36
WP Leader: Bitdefender (BD)
Number of Deliverables: 5
Work Package 2. CONSOLE automated platform: requirements and architecture
Start Month: M1 / End Month: M9
Number of Deliverables: 2
Work Package 3. CONSOLE automated platform: initial version and development towards final version
Start Month: M7 / End Month: M36
WP Leader: Bitdefender (BD)
Number of Deliverables: 3
Work Package 4. Real-life platform operation and response optimisation
Start Month: M19 / End Month: M36
WP Leader: Charge Point (PGP)
Number of Deliverables: 5
Work Package 5. Impact (Communication, Exploitation and Sustainability)
Start Month: M1 / End Month: M36
WP Leader: EIT Digital (EIT)
Number of Deliverables: 2